Our Mission
To bring young Catholics, students, and those discerning priesthood and religious life to the lands of the Bible by subsidizing life-changing pilgrimages.
Inheritance Pilgrimages is dedicated to making it possible for Catholic young adults to encounter Christ ona pilgrimage to Biblical Lands by covering up to 50% of their costs. Thousands of pilgrims have already traveled with Steve Ray in the Footprints of God. We’ve seen the impact a pilgrimage can have in a person’s life. Young adults are facing unprecedented attacks on traditions and truth. Now more than ever, they need to be rooted in the historical and spiritual realities of their catholic faith.
To bring young Catholics, students, and those discerning priesthood and religious life to the lands of the Bible by subsidizing life-changing pilgrimages.
The majority of people who are able to afford a guided Catholic pilgrimage are in their 50’s and 60’s. Imagine how impactful it would be for young people to receive the inheritance waiting for them in the lands of the Bible before the sunset of their lives? Your generous support will give them the opportunity to take part in a life-changing pilgrimage that will strengthen their faith and increase their zeal for the gospel.
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